
About US

We are a business consulting advisory firm focused on guiding video game developers towards success. We collaborate as a team to achieve impactful performance improvements within your organization that lead to real world results. We work hard to give you the knowledge, tools, and connections to help you achieve your dreams.

01. Driven

Our actions are propelled by our passion for video games and the industry at large. We have the experience, knowledge, and skills to launch your business to new heights. Once we begin working with your company, we will work together to pursue and attain your goals. We have big dreams, too, and the clients we take on will grow together with us.

02. Strategic

We work together to come up with a Blueprint that guides our course of action. We are thinkers and leaders with the ability to critically surmise how to get ourselves and others to the next level. Through the design of a Strategic Plan benchmarked by gradual stepping stones, we lay out the path before us to keep reaching higher highs.

03. Experienced

Our experience guides us in every decision we make. Rest assured, whether we are providing coaching, strategic planning, or helping you build your sales pipeline, our methods are backed by our vast industry knowledge and proven track record.

04. Prepared

Every deal we’ve closed in partnership with our clients can be boiled down to one key concept: thinking things through before taking action. We work closely to create the right materials, prepare you for the meetings, and button up the holes while dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. We do this before engaging our network to attract them to your offering.

Proven Success

100+ Million Raised

17 Growing Developers

40+ Deals Closed

The early success we’ve experienced is due to the commitment we have to our clients and the world-class consulting we provide, which has led to top-tier partnerships and deals. Our process provides our clients with the Blueprint needed to navigate the industry and make their business more resilient and attractive to future partners. Whether it’s to prepare for an upcoming acquisition, a publishing deal, or to re-invigorate your sales pipeline – let us guide you in the direction of your dreams. Our Founder and CEO is a senior executive with 20+ years of proven success advising management teams and boards of directors on how to pivot and grow their businesses. Over the years he has provided strategic direction, innovative improvements, quality execution, and has increased overall performance for every one of his clients. He brings his extensive leadership experience from Walt Disney, Electronic Arts, Vanedge Capital, McGraw-Hill, and Startups and Video Game Studios, all while utilizing the same strategic methods for clients of Lunar Owl.

Get In Touch

Lunar Owl Consulting
Santa Monica, CA